The Myth of the High school Sweetheart:My introduction into Long Distance Relationships

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I honestly never saw myself in a LDR, however I never thought that I would find love so early in my life. Out of a 6 year friendship my boyfriend and I developed a romantic relationship, that’s been going strong for 3 years now. With that being said From our Junior year of high school up to graduation we had been joined at the hip, but things would soon change as college approached. Our first year apart we both had readjust to the differences and priorities in our lives that were now going to consume our lives as we prepared to make stainable career paths for ourselves. Since our majors are the complete opposite from each other our class schedules and work schedules were too. 

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For example he would begin classes at 12 and be done by 7pm, where I would begin at 8am and be done by 2pm. Then there was homework (assignments), he would be working pass midnight and I would be done by 11:30pm. Although this made it harder for us to communicate we didn’t let it hinder the relationship instead we planned out talk times, skype times, and facetime times. However in deciding to begin the LDR we had to make sure that we both were on the same page as where we intend for our relationship to lead. We also needed to make sure that we were not just pressuring each other into a commitment because we didn’t want to break ties with each.

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Especially with the pressure of being the nontraditional High School Sweethearts. Although we meet at the age of 14 we didn’t began our relationship until our Sophomore year of high school. However we didn’t attend the same school, hence the nontraditional aspect. There are the myths to finding love at an early age but I say that if you can remain focus in your passions while supporting your bf/gf go for it. Love doesn’t have a set time it comes when it wants to and its up to you to decide when you are ready to part take in the roller coaster of highs and lows.