Couple of the Week: Kory&Urenna

GO Home Roger!!

New to the LDR community, Kory and Urenna have been an item since their freshman year of high school, at least in Kory’s mind. But after an number of rigorous attempts and an determine attitude Kory finally won the heart of Urenna and the two have been going strong since their Senior year of high school. The two embody what it means to value friendship before romance in a relationship, which has set their foundation strong as they entered their first year in a LDR.

The Sun and Us
  1. In three words describe your relationship? Adventurous- Kory is so adventurous and makes me step outside my comfort zone just a little to much but I love it, I get to experience new things and it makes our relationship so interesting because I never know what’s next. Supportive- I make it my goal everyday to make Kory the best young man he can be, though his mother has done a damn good job, and he does the same for me. From listening to my problems to helping me edit all my school papers to pushing me to go the extra mile in all my endeavors. Solid- We both have the same mindset and goals. Kory and I might do things totally different, but we have the same focus to the end destination and have each other’s best interest. Our bond is really great since we balance each other out perfectly
  1. How long have you been together? Its funny we haven’t been with we each other for long but it seem like years, officially we have been together for 1 year and 10 months.
  1. How did you meet? We met in High school and were friends since 9thgrade and we started talking 10th grade but I just didn’t take him serious at all. It wasn’t until my friends convince me to really give him a shot. Don’t get me wrong Kory was smart, handsome, and he was the true definition of a gentlemen but he wasn’t my type at the time. It sounds so stupid now that I say it but I wasn’t use to a guy with all these characteristics but I gave us a chance and here we are today.


An Hiking Adventure
  1. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR (Long Distance Relationship)? Not having the luxury of seeing Kory when I want to. Initially we both attended Frostburg University but then I transferred while he stayed, so its kind of hard going from seeing each other everyday to barely seeing him once a month.


  1. What’s your advice to others in a LDR? Don’t let distance change your relationship it might be hard but it is very doable. Try to find things that you both can relate to like both Kory and I love watching the show Shark Tank, so instead of us having nothing to talk about when we get on the phone we talk about the different episodes of shark tank we watched. It might sound lame but it always keeps our conversation going and interesting.
  1. Why did you choose to be in a LDR? I know Kory is the man I want to marry, distance couldn’t keep us apart even if it tried. I love Kory and breaking up because we went to a different schools wasn’t an option. When you love someone you will make it work, it doesn’t matter how but you will find a way. When I first thought of us being apart it was scary I thought I was going to lose Kory but the distance has only help and made our relationship stronger. Our communication is not the best, and I don’t want anyone looking in like wow they are so perfect because we are far from it, a long distance relationship is a learning process and not only have we learned so much about how to manage a long distance relationship but I have learn so much about Kory now that I didn’t know when I was with him everyday in Frostburg.
  1. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years? In five years I see Kory not being my boyfriend but my Husband. It’s funny because I always bother Kory about the theme of our wedding and how I want my dress and don’t get me started on my how I want my wedding ring to look.



Holidays Past: Making His Plate

IMG_0267Since the holidays are approaching I wanted to give an insight into our favorite holiday memories. However, I also wanted to raise a question to my female readers. Do you fix your boyfriend’s plate, if so when did you start? If you haven’t done so or wont explain your reasoning.

My boyfriend and I have spent a total of three holiday seasons with each other but it wasn’t until our second holiday season that I started to fix his plates. Our first holiday season in our relationship was still new and we were still learning about each other but realistically I wasn’t willing to do so for him. However, as our relationship has developed I am more willing to do so and now I do think he aspects it; to an extent.IMG_0484

But why is this something that I thought about?

Well the women in my family have always made the plates of the males in my family without every questioning the action. With that being said I decided to ask my mother why she made my father’s plate. Her response was simple “Your father would starve with me, lol.” But then she went on to explain that she made my father’s plate as way to show him she appreciated him. “Yes your father is more than capable of getting up and making his own plate but I do so as way to lessen his burden.” I am choosing to take my mother’s IMG_4316explanation and understand her actions for making his plates not as a way of setting women back 50 years but as a way to show the male counterpart that women are complex individuals who can operate both board rooms and the kitchen while never lessen the value of a man as long as he is aware of her worth.

10 Bennefits of Being in a LDR

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Long Distance Relationships are hard and can be physically draining. No one enters into a long distance relationship because they want the distance, but because they wholeheartedly love their partner. The distance is just a side effect of that, another challenge in your relationship to overcome. But that does not mean it doesn’t have its benefits (as surprising as that may sound). This is a list of the top 10 benefits that LDRs have to offer.


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  1. If Can Survive the Distance, You can Survive Anything
  2. Communication Skills are A1
  3. Learning a lot about Yourself as an Individual
  4. Learning how to be Independent
  5. Learning the Importance of Sacrifice
  6. An unbreakable Bond is Created
  7. Your Love for each Transcends All barriers
  8. A Lasting Trust is Developed
  9. There is always something to look forward to
  10. There is Never a Dull Moment


Surprise Bae, Not their Roommate

“AngloSaxon Blog”

Surprise visits are one of the best gifts you could ever give your bf/gf when in a LDR. Not only does it show your commitment in the relationship but it also is a nice way to shorten the time until you all are able to reunite. However typically most college students in LDR’s have roommates and Bae’s visit could pose a conflict for your roommate. Wondering how to avoid this conflict? Well you have come to right blog to get the answer. For starters once your school post an update school year calendar share it with your bf/gf this way they are aware of when midterms and finals take place. Also introduce your roommate to your bf/gf so that they build up their communication lines. Also if you really want to show your roommate how considerate you are ask them if they mind if your bf/gf had their contact information so just in case they wanted to surprise you they can also clear it with your roommate. Following these tips will not only improve your LDR but your bond with your roommate as well.

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Story Time…

My boyfriend and my roommate from my freshman year have a great relationship as a result of these tips. Because it was my freshman year and I wanted to ideal college roommate relationship, my roommate and I made sure our communication with each other was open and honest because when did not want to make the other uncomfortable in the living space. Your home is to be your place of peace or dorm room in our case. Valentine’s Day weekend my boyfriend and roommate surprised me with his visit. She was in on the secret and never told me. After thinking about her strange behavior it made sense. She would ask me about my plans for the weekend and would encourage me to have my work done early. All to clear up my weekend for his visit. When he arrived he texted me saying that my edible arrangement had arrived at the school and to go and pick it up (he also texted her so she could let him in). When I got down to the front desk he was walking into the building with roses and my roommate yelled “Surprised.”

“The well-traveled Postcard Blog”

Later on I asked her how long did she know he was coming and she said he had texted her months ago to make sure it was cool for him to show up and if she would mind…

Couple of the Week: Sarina & Malik

Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number

Being a year apart, Sarina and Malik began their LDR in two different phase of their life. Sarina starting her college career and Malik striving to begin his as he completed his senior year proves that Age is really nothing but a number. These two bonded over laughs and shared experiences never letting the other become too serious and this has proven successful considering the length of the relationship.

  1. Senior Prom
    “Senior Prom”

    In three words describe your relationship? Fun, Rollercoaster, Surreal

    "All Smiles"
    “All Smiles”
  2. How long have you been together? 5 years
  3. How did you meet? We meet on Facebook lol
  4. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR (Long Distance Relationship)? Not being able to physically interact, it can be really hard
  5. What’s your advice to others in a LDR? Skype alot, have patience, and never forget why you are in the relationship.
  6. Why did you choose to be in a LDR? We chose aLDR because the distance wasn’t worth letting go

    Flexing: Its a Couple Thing
    Flexing: Its a Couple Thing
  7. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years? In five years we plan to at least be engaged.

Making the Time Fly

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Being away from you bf/gf can be a difficult especially when it goes from 3 days to 2 weeks to 4 months. How many FaceTime calls can one take before they just flip out because you just want to be held by your bf/gf. Here are a few tips to help past the time until Bae is back in your ARMS!

“Instagram Image”
  1. Start a count down and each day of the count down you all have to give each other a complaint about what you love about each other
  2. Change up the forms of communication, instead of video chat send each other letters or voice messages
  3. Start a Date Night; once a month you all stay in order from the same take out place and watch your favorite movie
  4. Surprise Each other with a Visit to help shorten the time apart
  5. Send Care Packages

Keeping it Cute Through Postage: 10 Gift Ideas & Themes to send Bae

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Besides the phrases “its free” and “class canceled”, the quickest way to put a smile on a college students’ face is with a care package. So, why not send Bae one as well. Care packages are a great way to show endearment and affection towards love ones. Being in a long distance relationship we tend to miss out on the little sweet nothings of affections that our bf/gf show us when we are together. Sending a care package fills that void. Care packages not only show just how much you care and miss them but, they also keep the relationship fresh. When the distance starts to take a toll on us the care packages give us something to look forward too!

"Pintrest Image"
“Pintrest Image”

My boyfriend and I typically send care packages once or twice a semester to each other (depending on our funds). We thought it would be a cute a way to show each other just how much we had been paying attention to the things we discussed over the phone. Not to mention it gives me an excuse to ask for food J. However coming up with ideas and themes for each package can be difficult but I have map out some ideas to help with the frustration:

  1. Walk Down Memory Lane Box: print or glue pictures that depict past memories in the relationship. You can send Bae anything that you all share as being special in your relationship.
  2. Foodie Box: include all of Bae’s favorite snacks and treats in this box.
  3. The Birthday Box: decorate this box with balloon cut outs and streamers. You can also look on line to Google how to make a cake in a mason jar to help Bae celebrate their birthday.
  4. Readers Digest Box: send Bae their favorite books or magazines to help them get through those boring lectures.
  5. Chicken Noodle Soup Box: When Bae gets sick send them halls, tissues, a get-well card, and can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.
  6. 10 things I miss about You Box: decorate this box with 10 small envelopes and in each name the things you miss about Bae while you are a part. This is the perfect opportunity to express just how much Bae means to you!
  7. Be Mine (Valentine Day) Box: using paper cut out hearts list the things that Bae does that makes you reminisce on why you fell in love with them. Send Bae their favorite chocolate bc9d8cf2a690a13a4fcf87bced6c25e7treats or send them a gift card to cold stone or Baskin Robbins to have a sweet treat.
  8. Movie Night Box: send Bae popcorn and gummy bears and with a note that plans a video chat movie night were you two can watch your favorite movie together.
  9. Away From Home Survival Kit: In this box send Bae all the things that remind you too of your city. Since I am from Baltimore my boyfriend will send me Crab chips since he knows how much I love a Maryland Blue Crab. Send each other your favorite hair care or hygiene products.
  10. Anniversary Box: In this box send Bae any and everything that you put a smile on their face. For this box decorate with Bae’s favorite colors and cute notes and pictures of you all. Also plan out your next visit for when you two see each other.

Java Chillers and French Toast Sticks

The Beginning
The Beginning

We met in 2010 at Sonic. He was a carhop and I worked drive thru. In an attempt to get my attention he would always ask me to make his Java chillers, claiming that I was the only one who could make them “Right”. From there came the flirting and after months of waiting, he finally asked me out.

Senior Prom
Senior Prom

As our relationship began to blossom it was important for us to create memories. Since we went to different schools it was up to us to make time for each other outside of school and work. Holidays were my favorite memories we created. Personally I enjoy being surrounded by love ones and great food. For him his favorite memories were the countless anniversary trips we took. Malik being very adventurous enjoyed doing outdoor activities like biking, rock climbing and swimming.

Beach Vacay
Beach Vacay

However upon entering college I tend to reminisce on our High School days especially prom and homecoming. He is very supportive in understanding my dreams as I am with his. However HS was really the place where I believe our relationship was able to thrive to show its possible growth. However as we are currently in our college experience we appreciate our winter breaks, spring breaks, and summer breaks the most. We also enjoy the occasional surprise visit to keep the relationship alive. But ultimately the emphasis is on creating memories, which has not faded…..(I will continue to update this timeline as we progress).


Being Too Friendly

How comfortable are you with your bf/gf having friends of the opposite sex?

Personally I don’t have a problem with my boyfriend having friends of the opposite sex as long as they are made aware who I am and the extent of our relationship. I am also well aware that he is in college and that a major part of being in college is being involved and getting to know people to build connections. But I am also aware of the effects of being too Mixy. When it comes either person having friends of the opposite sex it is the responsibility of you the boyfriend or you the girlfriend to make sure that the friend is aware of your better half.

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“Google Image”

However I also think it is important to not jump to conclusions and assume that every friend of the opposite sex is out to become more than just friends with your bf/gf.

However the most important aspect when discussing this issue is make sure that there is a mutual understanding of trust and respect within the relationship. You all have to have enough respect for each other not to cross boundaries when it comes to having friends of the opposite sex, i.e., no flirting, frequent texting, touching, long drawn out hugs, and especially no confiding. With being in a LDR there is a sense of loneliness that can sometimes be overwhelming and these friendship can sometimes fill that void. This is not the best way to address that feeling of loneliness each person in the LDR should try to avoid creating an emotional connection with any other person other than there better half to avoid any trust issues. Trust is very important when the lines of daily communication are altered when involved in a LDR.

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Moreover, I honestly think it is best to just talk out your loneliness with your gf/bf wen these emotions arise. Send them text messages with the heart eye emoji and sad face, snap chat them about how your day is going, send them a funny riddle to get you all laughing, reminisce about the start of your relationship; just don’t break the line of communication when you are missing your better half.

Couple of the Week: Deborah &Nere


Currently in their sophomore year of college, Deborah and Nere have a very unique LDR. Deborah is currently studying in London while Nere is studying in PA. These two whom seem as completely opposites are defying the odds and showing that love conquers all.

  1. First Christmas
    First Christmas

    In three words describe your relationship?: Secure, Comfortable, and Romantic

  2. How long have you been together?: October 30th makes it two years
  3. How did you meet?: We met in high school. He wasn’t my type and I wasn’t his type, but yet here we are.
  4. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR?: For us the hardest part is finding new ways to show our affection and keep our relationship 
exciting while we are away from each other.

    High School Graduation
    High School Graduation
  5. What’s your advice to others in a LDR?: Communication is really important! For example, there will be days when you feel bad 
because you miss your bf/gf and you both have to be willing to express and understand those feelings so that they don’t get the best of you. That is just one situation, but there are plenty others.
  6. Why did you chose to be in a LDR?: We knew that we wanted to be together forever and even if long distance would be a little 
challenging right now, it would only end up being a small portion of our life of happiness.

  7. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years?: Five years from now we plan to be married or getting married soon. We want our wedding to 
be in the fall of 2020.