Being Too Friendly

How comfortable are you with your bf/gf having friends of the opposite sex?

Personally I don’t have a problem with my boyfriend having friends of the opposite sex as long as they are made aware who I am and the extent of our relationship. I am also well aware that he is in college and that a major part of being in college is being involved and getting to know people to build connections. But I am also aware of the effects of being too Mixy. When it comes either person having friends of the opposite sex it is the responsibility of you the boyfriend or you the girlfriend to make sure that the friend is aware of your better half.

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However I also think it is important to not jump to conclusions and assume that every friend of the opposite sex is out to become more than just friends with your bf/gf.

However the most important aspect when discussing this issue is make sure that there is a mutual understanding of trust and respect within the relationship. You all have to have enough respect for each other not to cross boundaries when it comes to having friends of the opposite sex, i.e., no flirting, frequent texting, touching, long drawn out hugs, and especially no confiding. With being in a LDR there is a sense of loneliness that can sometimes be overwhelming and these friendship can sometimes fill that void. This is not the best way to address that feeling of loneliness each person in the LDR should try to avoid creating an emotional connection with any other person other than there better half to avoid any trust issues. Trust is very important when the lines of daily communication are altered when involved in a LDR.

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Moreover, I honestly think it is best to just talk out your loneliness with your gf/bf wen these emotions arise. Send them text messages with the heart eye emoji and sad face, snap chat them about how your day is going, send them a funny riddle to get you all laughing, reminisce about the start of your relationship; just don’t break the line of communication when you are missing your better half.

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