Couple of the Week: Deborah &Nere


Currently in their sophomore year of college, Deborah and Nere have a very unique LDR. Deborah is currently studying in London while Nere is studying in PA. These two whom seem as completely opposites are defying the odds and showing that love conquers all.

  1. First Christmas
    First Christmas

    In three words describe your relationship?: Secure, Comfortable, and Romantic

  2. How long have you been together?: October 30th makes it two years
  3. How did you meet?: We met in high school. He wasn’t my type and I wasn’t his type, but yet here we are.
  4. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR?: For us the hardest part is finding new ways to show our affection and keep our relationship 
exciting while we are away from each other.

    High School Graduation
    High School Graduation
  5. What’s your advice to others in a LDR?: Communication is really important! For example, there will be days when you feel bad 
because you miss your bf/gf and you both have to be willing to express and understand those feelings so that they don’t get the best of you. That is just one situation, but there are plenty others.
  6. Why did you chose to be in a LDR?: We knew that we wanted to be together forever and even if long distance would be a little 
challenging right now, it would only end up being a small portion of our life of happiness.

  7. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years?: Five years from now we plan to be married or getting married soon. We want our wedding to 
be in the fall of 2020.

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