Keeping it Cute Through Postage: 10 Gift Ideas & Themes to send Bae

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Besides the phrases “its free” and “class canceled”, the quickest way to put a smile on a college students’ face is with a care package. So, why not send Bae one as well. Care packages are a great way to show endearment and affection towards love ones. Being in a long distance relationship we tend to miss out on the little sweet nothings of affections that our bf/gf show us when we are together. Sending a care package fills that void. Care packages not only show just how much you care and miss them but, they also keep the relationship fresh. When the distance starts to take a toll on us the care packages give us something to look forward too!

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“Pintrest Image”

My boyfriend and I typically send care packages once or twice a semester to each other (depending on our funds). We thought it would be a cute a way to show each other just how much we had been paying attention to the things we discussed over the phone. Not to mention it gives me an excuse to ask for food J. However coming up with ideas and themes for each package can be difficult but I have map out some ideas to help with the frustration:

  1. Walk Down Memory Lane Box: print or glue pictures that depict past memories in the relationship. You can send Bae anything that you all share as being special in your relationship.
  2. Foodie Box: include all of Bae’s favorite snacks and treats in this box.
  3. The Birthday Box: decorate this box with balloon cut outs and streamers. You can also look on line to Google how to make a cake in a mason jar to help Bae celebrate their birthday.
  4. Readers Digest Box: send Bae their favorite books or magazines to help them get through those boring lectures.
  5. Chicken Noodle Soup Box: When Bae gets sick send them halls, tissues, a get-well card, and can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.
  6. 10 things I miss about You Box: decorate this box with 10 small envelopes and in each name the things you miss about Bae while you are a part. This is the perfect opportunity to express just how much Bae means to you!
  7. Be Mine (Valentine Day) Box: using paper cut out hearts list the things that Bae does that makes you reminisce on why you fell in love with them. Send Bae their favorite chocolate bc9d8cf2a690a13a4fcf87bced6c25e7treats or send them a gift card to cold stone or Baskin Robbins to have a sweet treat.
  8. Movie Night Box: send Bae popcorn and gummy bears and with a note that plans a video chat movie night were you two can watch your favorite movie together.
  9. Away From Home Survival Kit: In this box send Bae all the things that remind you too of your city. Since I am from Baltimore my boyfriend will send me Crab chips since he knows how much I love a Maryland Blue Crab. Send each other your favorite hair care or hygiene products.
  10. Anniversary Box: In this box send Bae any and everything that you put a smile on their face. For this box decorate with Bae’s favorite colors and cute notes and pictures of you all. Also plan out your next visit for when you two see each other.

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