Couple of the Week: Sarina & Malik

Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number

Being a year apart, Sarina and Malik began their LDR in two different phase of their life. Sarina starting her college career and Malik striving to begin his as he completed his senior year proves that Age is really nothing but a number. These two bonded over laughs and shared experiences never letting the other become too serious and this has proven successful considering the length of the relationship.

  1. Senior Prom
    “Senior Prom”

    In three words describe your relationship? Fun, Rollercoaster, Surreal

    "All Smiles"
    “All Smiles”
  2. How long have you been together? 5 years
  3. How did you meet? We meet on Facebook lol
  4. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR (Long Distance Relationship)? Not being able to physically interact, it can be really hard
  5. What’s your advice to others in a LDR? Skype alot, have patience, and never forget why you are in the relationship.
  6. Why did you choose to be in a LDR? We chose aLDR because the distance wasn’t worth letting go

    Flexing: Its a Couple Thing
    Flexing: Its a Couple Thing
  7. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years? In five years we plan to at least be engaged.

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