10 Bennefits of Being in a LDR

“Tumblr Image” 13. http://rebloggy.com/post/relationship-couple-cute-ldr-long-distance-relationship-i-love-you-i-miss-you-mi/66614106295

Long Distance Relationships are hard and can be physically draining. No one enters into a long distance relationship because they want the distance, but because they wholeheartedly love their partner. The distance is just a side effect of that, another challenge in your relationship to overcome. But that does not mean it doesn’t have its benefits (as surprising as that may sound). This is a list of the top 10 benefits that LDRs have to offer.


“Google Image” https://www.google.com/ur



  1. If Can Survive the Distance, You can Survive Anything
  2. Communication Skills are A1
  3. Learning a lot about Yourself as an Individual
  4. Learning how to be Independent
  5. Learning the Importance of Sacrifice
  6. An unbreakable Bond is Created
  7. Your Love for each Transcends All barriers
  8. A Lasting Trust is Developed
  9. There is always something to look forward to
  10. There is Never a Dull Moment


One thought on “10 Bennefits of Being in a LDR

  1. Vo Mm November 18, 2015 / 10:01 pm

    Nice post! As for the dull moment, it depends on the couple. We have had a few dull moments, but we keep going. The listed benefits are true, and important for a long lasting relationship


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