Couple of the Week: Kory&Urenna

GO Home Roger!!

New to the LDR community, Kory and Urenna have been an item since their freshman year of high school, at least in Kory’s mind. But after an number of rigorous attempts and an determine attitude Kory finally won the heart of Urenna and the two have been going strong since their Senior year of high school. The two embody what it means to value friendship before romance in a relationship, which has set their foundation strong as they entered their first year in a LDR.

The Sun and Us
  1. In three words describe your relationship? Adventurous- Kory is so adventurous and makes me step outside my comfort zone just a little to much but I love it, I get to experience new things and it makes our relationship so interesting because I never know what’s next. Supportive- I make it my goal everyday to make Kory the best young man he can be, though his mother has done a damn good job, and he does the same for me. From listening to my problems to helping me edit all my school papers to pushing me to go the extra mile in all my endeavors. Solid- We both have the same mindset and goals. Kory and I might do things totally different, but we have the same focus to the end destination and have each other’s best interest. Our bond is really great since we balance each other out perfectly
  1. How long have you been together? Its funny we haven’t been with we each other for long but it seem like years, officially we have been together for 1 year and 10 months.
  1. How did you meet? We met in High school and were friends since 9thgrade and we started talking 10th grade but I just didn’t take him serious at all. It wasn’t until my friends convince me to really give him a shot. Don’t get me wrong Kory was smart, handsome, and he was the true definition of a gentlemen but he wasn’t my type at the time. It sounds so stupid now that I say it but I wasn’t use to a guy with all these characteristics but I gave us a chance and here we are today.


An Hiking Adventure
  1. What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR (Long Distance Relationship)? Not having the luxury of seeing Kory when I want to. Initially we both attended Frostburg University but then I transferred while he stayed, so its kind of hard going from seeing each other everyday to barely seeing him once a month.


  1. What’s your advice to others in a LDR? Don’t let distance change your relationship it might be hard but it is very doable. Try to find things that you both can relate to like both Kory and I love watching the show Shark Tank, so instead of us having nothing to talk about when we get on the phone we talk about the different episodes of shark tank we watched. It might sound lame but it always keeps our conversation going and interesting.
  1. Why did you choose to be in a LDR? I know Kory is the man I want to marry, distance couldn’t keep us apart even if it tried. I love Kory and breaking up because we went to a different schools wasn’t an option. When you love someone you will make it work, it doesn’t matter how but you will find a way. When I first thought of us being apart it was scary I thought I was going to lose Kory but the distance has only help and made our relationship stronger. Our communication is not the best, and I don’t want anyone looking in like wow they are so perfect because we are far from it, a long distance relationship is a learning process and not only have we learned so much about how to manage a long distance relationship but I have learn so much about Kory now that I didn’t know when I was with him everyday in Frostburg.
  1. Where do you se your relationship in 5 years? In five years I see Kory not being my boyfriend but my Husband. It’s funny because I always bother Kory about the theme of our wedding and how I want my dress and don’t get me started on my how I want my wedding ring to look.



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