Holidays Past: Making His Plate

IMG_0267Since the holidays are approaching I wanted to give an insight into our favorite holiday memories. However, I also wanted to raise a question to my female readers. Do you fix your boyfriend’s plate, if so when did you start? If you haven’t done so or wont explain your reasoning.

My boyfriend and I have spent a total of three holiday seasons with each other but it wasn’t until our second holiday season that I started to fix his plates. Our first holiday season in our relationship was still new and we were still learning about each other but realistically I wasn’t willing to do so for him. However, as our relationship has developed I am more willing to do so and now I do think he aspects it; to an extent.IMG_0484

But why is this something that I thought about?

Well the women in my family have always made the plates of the males in my family without every questioning the action. With that being said I decided to ask my mother why she made my father’s plate. Her response was simple “Your father would starve with me, lol.” But then she went on to explain that she made my father’s plate as way to show him she appreciated him. “Yes your father is more than capable of getting up and making his own plate but I do so as way to lessen his burden.” I am choosing to take my mother’s IMG_4316explanation and understand her actions for making his plates not as a way of setting women back 50 years but as a way to show the male counterpart that women are complex individuals who can operate both board rooms and the kitchen while never lessen the value of a man as long as he is aware of her worth.

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