Surprise Bae, Not their Roommate

“AngloSaxon Blog”

Surprise visits are one of the best gifts you could ever give your bf/gf when in a LDR. Not only does it show your commitment in the relationship but it also is a nice way to shorten the time until you all are able to reunite. However typically most college students in LDR’s have roommates and Bae’s visit could pose a conflict for your roommate. Wondering how to avoid this conflict? Well you have come to right blog to get the answer. For starters once your school post an update school year calendar share it with your bf/gf this way they are aware of when midterms and finals take place. Also introduce your roommate to your bf/gf so that they build up their communication lines. Also if you really want to show your roommate how considerate you are ask them if they mind if your bf/gf had their contact information so just in case they wanted to surprise you they can also clear it with your roommate. Following these tips will not only improve your LDR but your bond with your roommate as well.

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Story Time…

My boyfriend and my roommate from my freshman year have a great relationship as a result of these tips. Because it was my freshman year and I wanted to ideal college roommate relationship, my roommate and I made sure our communication with each other was open and honest because when did not want to make the other uncomfortable in the living space. Your home is to be your place of peace or dorm room in our case. Valentine’s Day weekend my boyfriend and roommate surprised me with his visit. She was in on the secret and never told me. After thinking about her strange behavior it made sense. She would ask me about my plans for the weekend and would encourage me to have my work done early. All to clear up my weekend for his visit. When he arrived he texted me saying that my edible arrangement had arrived at the school and to go and pick it up (he also texted her so she could let him in). When I got down to the front desk he was walking into the building with roses and my roommate yelled “Surprised.”

“The well-traveled Postcard Blog”

Later on I asked her how long did she know he was coming and she said he had texted her months ago to make sure it was cool for him to show up and if she would mind…

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