Couple of The Week: Nikki&Geo

A Lasting Love…..!

Beginning their relationship as High School Sweethearts Nikki and Geo embody the difference of perseverance. Being over 200miles away they make the effort and sacrifice to continue the love that begin over 5 years ago. Both having disciplines that require much effort they keep their love fresh. Never forgetting where they began but remaining hopeful for the future.

2011, When we were just starting to get serious


1.    In three words describe your relationship? Our relationship is unique, spontaneous, and sensational.

2.    How long have you been together? We have been together for three complete years but have been on and off two years before we were fully committed.

3.    How did you meet? We met each other in the fall of 2013, when we were both in 9th grade.

2013, when we fully committed and about to begin our LDR

4.    What’s the hardest part about being in a LDR (Long Distance Relationship)? The hardest part about being in a LDR is not having face-to-face interactions with each other. However, the distance is a blessing in disguise because not being able to see each other whenever we want has definitely strengthened our relationship over the years.

5.    What’s your advice to others in a LDR? Our advice to other people in LDR’s is try to remain as optimistic as possible and to try and trust your partner completely. The distance definitely leaves room for mistrust, but as a significant other, you have to trust that your partner is being honest. Also, be open and communicate effectively with your partner. Being open and honest and knowing how to communicate with your significant other can prevent obstacles in the LDR.

6.    Why did you choose to be in a LDR? We were in a relationship prior to being in a LDR. We choose to keep our relationship because we knew that our connection was stronger and our emotions for each other were deep. We knew that the time apart would only make us stronger.

7.    Where do you se your relationship in 5 years? Five years from now, we see each other still happy and love. We hope to be working in our respective fields and hopefully living together.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset
2014, Two years after being in a LDR.





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