Playing Games & When DO they STOP

Let’s be honest LADIES we all know that we play games when it comes to starting a relationship. But at what stage of the relationship do we stop testing our significant others? For example the “I am upset” text that we send, and hoping for him to response back with “I never want you to go a sleep mad at me.” Or the causal hits of when you want him to buy or take you. You know the screenshots of instagram collages that show other girls getting lavish gifts and what not. Or my personal favorite the “I am not texting him first.”


Would it not be easier to just put our expectations of what we want out of the relationship on the table on the first date. I know that it’s not wise to share everything on the first date but neither is playing mind games with your other half. Think about it? If you were to just layout your expectations from the beginning you could avoid the self-inflected heart imposed on oneself as a result of a game of 21 questions that only you know the answer too. My advice Start the way you want to Finish!” It’s not there job to read your mind but to Respect, Love and Cherish You.


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