
Janice & Malik

I honestly never saw myself in a LDR, however I never thought that I would find love so early in my life. Out of a 6-year friendship my boyfriend and I developed a romantic relationship, that’s been going strong for 3 years now. Entering our freshman year of college, 6 hours away from each other, we realized just how hard it would be to maintain our relationship. There were countless arguments and times of frustration as we navigated through our first year apart. But, ultimately we made it work and developed a system that works. The purpose of this blog is provide you with that system, along with different tips and tools to help you improve on your own LDR. However, I do realize that there is wide spectrum of what constitutes an LDR so every week their will be perspectives from different couples in LDRs to offer their advice. I want this blog to provide the necessary foundational tools that are needed to make any relationship work. I hope you enjoy this blog and feel free to put your own input in through the comment section and social media.

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