What to Look Forward To This Holiday


There are number of things to be grateful for over the holidays but one the greatest things is time cherish when spent with loved ones. Here are few holidays activities that couples look forward to each year:

Kissing Under the Mistletoe


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Exchanging Gifts

gift exchange

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Ice Skating

ice skating
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Holiday Shopping

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Sweet Treats

sweet treats
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Movie Nights

movie night
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10 Movies and Series to Netflix & Chill

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1.    A Different World: A group of students at a historically Black university struggle to make it through college


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2.    Fresh: Michael (or Fresh as he’s well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded housing project with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum, but still meets with Fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh’s sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers who Fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn’t want to sell drugs anymore, he wants out.



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3.    The Boondocks: Based on the original comic strip Boondocks, Two young brothers (Huey and Riley) move away from their birth city to live with their irascible grandfather out in the suburbs. With one brother being socially and politically motivated and the younger brother a stereotypical black youth who likes rap music and culture etc. Biting socio-political commentary ensues when they meet a whole cast of crazy exaggerated characters set in a mainly white middle upper class neighborhood.

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4.    Bad Boys: Marcus Burnett is a hen-pecked family man. Mike Lowry is a foot-loose and fancy free ladies’ man. Both are Miami policemen, and both have 72 hours to reclaim a consignment of drugs stolen from under their station’s nose. To complicate matters, in order to get the assistance of the sole witness to a murder, they have to pretend to be each other.

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5.    Luther: A crime drama series starring Idris Elba as a near-genius murder detective whose brilliant mind can’t always save him from the dangerous violence of his passions

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6.    The Glass Shield: J.J. is a rookie in the Sheriff’s Department and the first black officer at that station. Racial tensions run high in the department as some of J.J.’s fellow officers resent his presence. His only real friend is the other new trooper, the first female officer to work there, who also suffers similar discrimination in the otherwise all-white-male work environment.

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7.    The Minority Report: 10 years after the end of Precrime in Washington DC one of the three PreCogs attempts to lead on a normal life while still suffering from visions of the future. Will they be able to hold it together or mentally breakdown and give up?

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8.    Set it Off: Four Black women, all of whom have suffered for lack of money and at the hands of the majority, undertake to rob banks. While initially successful, a policeman who was involved in shooting one of the women’s brothers is on their trail. As the women add to the loot, their tastes and interests begin to change and their suspicions of each other increase on the way to a climactic robbery.

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9.    Rosewood: The best private pathologist in Miami, Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr., whose rare heart condition that could kill him at any moment fuels his lust for life, gives a second opinion when friends or family of the deceased are not satisfied with official police findings. His state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, Sherlock Holmes-like powers of deduction and quick wit are his main tools.

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10. The Wood: On the wedding day of a writer’s friend, things aren’t looking good when the groom goes missing before the ceremony. During his and his other male friend’s effort to retrieve him, that writer named Mike can’t help but tell the story of his youth with his friends. Ever since he met them on his first day at a new school, they shared the common experiences of growing up and life’s discoveries.


Playing Games & When DO they STOP

Let’s be honest LADIES we all know that we play games when it comes to starting a relationship. But at what stage of the relationship do we stop testing our significant others? For example the “I am upset” text that we send, and hoping for him to response back with “I never want you to go a sleep mad at me.” Or the causal hits of when you want him to buy or take you. You know the screenshots of instagram collages that show other girls getting lavish gifts and what not. Or my personal favorite the “I am not texting him first.”


Would it not be easier to just put our expectations of what we want out of the relationship on the table on the first date. I know that it’s not wise to share everything on the first date but neither is playing mind games with your other half. Think about it? If you were to just layout your expectations from the beginning you could avoid the self-inflected heart imposed on oneself as a result of a game of 21 questions that only you know the answer too. My advice Start the way you want to Finish!” It’s not there job to read your mind but to Respect, Love and Cherish You.


Sharing the Holidays


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With any relationship there has to be some type of comprise; especially in a LDR. Holidays are always a plus when it comes to LDRs. Holidays allow for us to see our significant others for a long extent, eat great food, exchange gifts, and spend time with families.  But when it comes to holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas you not only have to see Bae but you also have to share them with their family. How do you and yours make this compromise?


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  • Switch it up: designate one year of holiday’s dinners and activities to be him or her and then switched it for the following year
  • Alternate: Spend one holiday with her family and the other with his family and continue on for the following years
  • Combine: Spend half of the day with one family and the other half of the day with the other family. This way you spend the whole day with your significant other.

10 Bennefits of Being in a LDR

“Tumblr Image” 13. http://rebloggy.com/post/relationship-couple-cute-ldr-long-distance-relationship-i-love-you-i-miss-you-mi/66614106295

Long Distance Relationships are hard and can be physically draining. No one enters into a long distance relationship because they want the distance, but because they wholeheartedly love their partner. The distance is just a side effect of that, another challenge in your relationship to overcome. But that does not mean it doesn’t have its benefits (as surprising as that may sound). This is a list of the top 10 benefits that LDRs have to offer.


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  1. If Can Survive the Distance, You can Survive Anything
  2. Communication Skills are A1
  3. Learning a lot about Yourself as an Individual
  4. Learning how to be Independent
  5. Learning the Importance of Sacrifice
  6. An unbreakable Bond is Created
  7. Your Love for each Transcends All barriers
  8. A Lasting Trust is Developed
  9. There is always something to look forward to
  10. There is Never a Dull Moment


Surprise Bae, Not their Roommate

“AngloSaxon Blog” http://www.angloyankophile.com/2015_01_01_archive.html

Surprise visits are one of the best gifts you could ever give your bf/gf when in a LDR. Not only does it show your commitment in the relationship but it also is a nice way to shorten the time until you all are able to reunite. However typically most college students in LDR’s have roommates and Bae’s visit could pose a conflict for your roommate. Wondering how to avoid this conflict? Well you have come to right blog to get the answer. For starters once your school post an update school year calendar share it with your bf/gf this way they are aware of when midterms and finals take place. Also introduce your roommate to your bf/gf so that they build up their communication lines. Also if you really want to show your roommate how considerate you are ask them if they mind if your bf/gf had their contact information so just in case they wanted to surprise you they can also clear it with your roommate. Following these tips will not only improve your LDR but your bond with your roommate as well.

“An Touramisu Blog Image”https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftouramisu.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F10%2F01%2Fgo-with-the-flo-rence-long-distance-love%2F&bvm=bv.107763241,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNEMDSTjb53KX955MN9EPuo9Dm1gVw&ust=1447889636477890

Story Time…

My boyfriend and my roommate from my freshman year have a great relationship as a result of these tips. Because it was my freshman year and I wanted to ideal college roommate relationship, my roommate and I made sure our communication with each other was open and honest because when did not want to make the other uncomfortable in the living space. Your home is to be your place of peace or dorm room in our case. Valentine’s Day weekend my boyfriend and roommate surprised me with his visit. She was in on the secret and never told me. After thinking about her strange behavior it made sense. She would ask me about my plans for the weekend and would encourage me to have my work done early. All to clear up my weekend for his visit. When he arrived he texted me saying that my edible arrangement had arrived at the school and to go and pick it up (he also texted her so she could let him in). When I got down to the front desk he was walking into the building with roses and my roommate yelled “Surprised.”

“The well-traveled Postcard Blog” https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAYQjB1qFQoTCKqAod3OmMkCFYo6JgodNrcAsA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthewell-travelledpostcard.com%2F2013%2F03%2F27%2Fthe-art-of-the-surprise-visit%2F&psig=AFQjCNHgdYaQem4db7KDX85eA8GIL6dl6g&ust=1447889323714549

Later on I asked her how long did she know he was coming and she said he had texted her months ago to make sure it was cool for him to show up and if she would mind…

Making the Time Fly

“Tumblr Image” http://adolescent-waves.tumblr.com/post/110446151060

Being away from you bf/gf can be a difficult especially when it goes from 3 days to 2 weeks to 4 months. How many FaceTime calls can one take before they just flip out because you just want to be held by your bf/gf. Here are a few tips to help past the time until Bae is back in your ARMS!

“Instagram Image” http://ink361.com/app/users/ig-1700643120/cuterelationshipgoalss/photos
  1. Start a count down and each day of the count down you all have to give each other a complaint about what you love about each other
  2. Change up the forms of communication, instead of video chat send each other letters or voice messages
  3. Start a Date Night; once a month you all stay in order from the same take out place and watch your favorite movie
  4. Surprise Each other with a Visit to help shorten the time apart
  5. Send Care Packages